Greenman Lore of the

Occupying the region of northern Kaldor and southern Nuthela, the Taelda are a closely allied group numbering 15(?) tribes, each with approximatly a hundred members. Due to the common threat from the surrounding orcish nations, the Taelda have little intertribal conflict. The Taelda are semi-nomadic, moving to a new range annually. Once a year, a moot is held at the Barsothe Falls, where secret rituals are performed under the moonlight.

Way of Life

The Taelda, unlike most of the barbarian peoples of Harn, have a written language, a surviving remnant of ancient Khuzdul teachings. Because of their ancestry, the Taelda speak in an unusal dialect; the select few who are taught to write, use a very crude form of runic-form that is supplemented by pictographs. As a result, the Taelda have extensive, if vague and semi-mythical records of their history. The Clay tablets used to record Taeldean histories are considered sacred; one tribe is selected annually to protect the tablets and to record the events of that year. This is considered a high honor. Each tribe also keeps similar tablets that record their own history, as opposed to that of the Taelda nation.

The Taelda commonly wear a comfortable and rather attractive arrangement of furs and hides. Taeldian males are either hunters or woodcrafters. Women are usually delegated the tasks of gathering and cooking; very few are warriors. Both sexes are elgible to become Tuathaich, the priests and priestesses of Taelda nation. A Tuathar is trained from puberty to perform the various duties that make up their role in the tribe. These include leading and healing the sick and wounded, and prducing and guarding the clay tablets which hold the tribal and national histories.

Because of the close affiliation the Taelda have with their environment, they are accomplished woodsmen; they are very quiet when travelling through the underbursh, and are expert tree climbers. The Taelda also practice herblore and know a great deal about the plants and roots of their region. Taeldan warriors have been known to apply Gaethipa , a deadly poison, to their arrowheads. The proficiency of Taeldan healers is well known among those who traverse the Fur Road; many civilized physicians cannot match the medical skills of the people of Nuthela.

Present Relations

The Taelda bear no particular malice toward strangers, and will occasionally assist those in need. Travellers on the Fur Rad are watched carefully, but are not usually interfered with. On infrequent occasions a caravan on the Fur Road will be unexpectedly attacked by Taeldan raiders. These attacks often seem to occur without provocation or motive, and although they are not usually massacres, the caravan will likely be looted. The Taelda do not approve of others hunting on what they regard as their land, and will sometimes give killed game to travellers in an attempt to forstall conflicts. Most travellers know that politeness and consideration will usually be met with similar behavior. However, few have been able to gain the trust of the Taelda, and the workings of day to day Taeldian life are yet a mystery and the subject of dire whispers.


-- Taken almost verbatum from Columbia Games' great module 100 Bushels of Rye(C), used without permission

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