Story Today

The Story,
So Far...

Sir Maldan "Greetings. I am Sir Maldan, Constable of Olokand Castle. My majordomo Devreen tells me that you have volunteered to aid me. You have my thanks, and you will have my gratitude should you succeed. The land grant of 100 bushels of Rye is due from Loban, a small village at the edge of the kingdom. If you are unfamilier with the area, then see my historian, Caeren, as you leave.
The peasents of Loban are refusing to harvest the rye until a murderer is caught. I have also received several complaints from the Miner's Guild of disturbances. Sir Kathel, the lord of Loban has not answered my demands for a resolution adequetly. That is why I am sending you.

You will find and capture this trouble maker before it is too late to harvest the rye, as well as reassure the miners. If you can not, I will be forced to send soldiers to compell the peasents. I will do just that if I have not heard from you by All Hallow's Eve, as the subsidy is due in Tashal by the 15th of November. More importantly, I will be at this year's Yule Feast with the King, and I do not intend to tell him I had to put down a revolt.

It may be that the hundred at Loban will need a new lord. I will look most favorably upon those that can solve this problem for me. Good Luck."


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