Campaign Map

Places of Note:
    Campaign Map
  1. Tashal, Capital of the Kingdom of Kaldor(MAP)
  2. Olokand, Genesis of 100rye adventure(MAP)
  3. Felsha Mountains, Unexplored Mountains to the west - rumored to be the lair of goblins and other monsters(MAP)
  4. Walled town of Leriel, Southern town of the Kingdom of Orbaal -- the next major city on the Fur Road north of Loban.(MAP)
  5. Wilde woods of Nuthela, inhabited by various savage tribes.(MAP)
  6. Azadamere, Dwarvish Kingdom. The only known points of entry are the vast fortress of Zerhun and the port of Tristizad.(MAP)
  7. City-state of Thay. Once an out post of Melderyn, Thay has earned a semi-independent status as a bustling port connecting the mainland with Harn. Thay has a strong navy, and has earned a reputation as a destination for goods from all over the world, and for smuglers. (MAP)
  8. City-state of Burzyn, Formerly an outpost of Melderyn, Burzyn was conquered and then greatly fortified by Kaldor a generation ago. Presently the city has declared its independence, and has sought recognition from Melderyn. Kaldor has beseiged it three times in the last five years to no avail.(MAP)
  9. Chyrefal, presently the most northern fortress/port of the ancient island Kingdom of Melderyn. Melderyn has always boasted the finest navy, and is known for the greatest lore in Magic -- but has traditionaly fielded poor land forces.(MAP)
  10. Shava Forest -- Ancient forest, last part of the Deep that once covered all the world. The Capital city of this Elvish Kingdom lies hidden somewhere in its depths. The 'independent' port-city of Ulfshafen is the only contact with the outside world that the elves now have.(MAP)
  11. The Barrens, No man's land between the Kingdom of Kaldor and it's enemies to the south. Once a fertile land of rolling green hills, now only ruined villages and wind blown fields remain. It is said smugglers from both sides traverse the Barrens to evade the Melderyn blockade.(MAP)
  12. Gulf of Ederwyn, The Melderyn lake, the vast gulf is constantly patroled by the warships and galleys of the Kingdom of Melderyn, giving them control of all trade with the Kingdoms west of the Felsha Mountains.(MAP)
  13. Noron, independent and remote trading post on the Fur Road, about half-way between the road's two end points, Olokand and Leriel.(MAP)
  14. Ruins of Lorkin, a trading post established by an Orbaalese Lord, the small village was destroyed by a landside. Only the ruins of the keep remain and are rumored to be haunted.(MAP)

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